Police and Protesters Face-Off at UCLA in Campus Unrest Over Gaza


Los Angeles: Hundreds of police and protesters were in a tense stand-off early Thursday at the University of California, Los Angeles as unrest over Israel’s war against Palestinian group in Gaza simmered on US campuses.

Officers in riot gear moved in to start removing some barricades around the protest encampment, CNN footage showed, with several protesters detained.

Police used flashbangs to disperse the crowds gathered outside the encampment who were chanting “Let them go!,” an AFP journalist at the scene reported as helicopters hovered overhead.

“This is a peaceful protest, there are no counter-protestors tonight, so to call the police on them is despicable. This city should support them,” LA resident Jack Bedrosian who came along to show support told AFP.

The large police presence, including California Highway Patrol and LAPD officers, comes after law enforcement were criticized for being slow to act during violent clashes late Tuesday night when counter-protesters attacked an encampment of pro-Palestinian students.

“There is a large police presence from multiple law enforcement agencies after outside mobs attacked peaceful student protests last night with no one protecting them,” LA City Controller Kenneth Mejia posted on social media site X from the campus earlier.

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