Pneumonia Cases Surge Amid Cold Weather


Lahore: Amidst smog and dry, cold weather, Punjab is grappling with a concerning rise in pneumonia cases in Lahore and other parts of the country.

In the past 24 hours on Sunday, seven children in Punjab and two in Lahore lost their lives, bringing the total fatalities to 179 due to pneumonia.

Health authorities reported 230 new pneumonia cases in Punjab and 135 in Lahore within the same period. Lahore’s total cases now stand at 1290, while Punjab has surpassed 7,963 cases.

Hospitals, particularly in Lahore, are inundated with cases of pneumonia, chest infections, and viral infections. Children’s Hospital alone has admitted over 58 children.

The medical experts at the hospital stress the critical importance of completing the course of protective vaccinations for children. However, the scarcity of pneumonia vaccines and medications on the general market is posing severe challenges for patients.

The Punjab Health Department advises parents to ensure their children receive the full course of preventive vaccinations, highlighting their crucial role in combating the escalating health crisis.

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