PMD Predicts Light Rain, Snowfall in KP, GB & Kashmir

News Desk

Islamabad: Over the next 24 hours, isolated areas of Upper Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan are predicted to experience light rain and light snowfall.

The Pakistan Meteorological Department said (PMD) stated that light rain or drizzle is likely to occur in Potohar region.  Most of the country is likely to experience cold, dry weather, while upper parts should expect cloudy skies.

Over the course of the next 24 hours, south Punjab is likely to have foggy conditions.

The synoptic condition indicated that a westerly wave is striking the country’s upper parts. In most of the country, it has been cold and dry over the past 24 hours.

Meanwhile, very cold in upper parts and north Balochistan, and light rain with light snowfall is recorded in Bagrote and Skardu.  The lowest temperatures recorded during the period are Leh -12 C, Kalam -09, Astore, Parachinar -07, Gupis, Skardu-06, and Bagrote -05 C.

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