PM Shehbaz Urges Swift Action to Protect Pakistani Students in Bishkek

News Desk 

Islamabad: Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Saturday expressed concerns about the violence in Bishkek and directed Pakistan’s ambassador to provide all necessary assistance to Pakistani students.

“Deeply concerned about the situation of Pakistani students in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. I have instructed Pakistan’s Ambassador to offer all necessary help and assistance,” the prime minister wrote on his X timeline.

According to the Pakistani Embassy in Bishkek, foreign students, including Pakistanis, faced violence from locals following a recent altercation with Egyptian nationals.

Reports indicate that some hostels of medical universities and private residences of international students, including Pakistanis, were attacked. However, the embassy stated that there were no confirmed reports of any Pakistani student being killed or raped.

“My office is in touch with the embassy and is constantly monitoring the situation,” the prime minister added.embassy has shared helpline numbers +996555554476 and +996507567667, and has responded to hundreds of calls from students and their families.

Amid ongoing mob violence outside student hostels in Bishkek, the Embassy of Pakistan in Kyrgyzstan strongly advised Pakistani students to remain indoors on Saturday.

In a social media post, Hasan Zaigham, the Ambassador of Pakistan in Bishkek, assured that the embassy was in communication with local law enforcement to ensure the students’ safety. The ambassador also provided an emergency helpline number, +996 507567667, for students to call if needed.

“In light of the mob violence near student hostels in Bishkek, the embassy strongly urges all Pakistani students in the city to stay indoors until the situation normalizes. We are coordinating with local law enforcement to ensure the safety of our student community,” the ambassador stated.

Foreign Office spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch echoed the envoy’s message, emphasizing that the embassy was in touch with Kyrgyz authorities to assist Pakistani students, highlighting that their safety was a top priority for the ambassador and his team.

Numerous social media posts reported incidents of mob violence at hostels housing foreign students in Bishkek, sharing footage and images. Many called on the relevant authorities to provide immediate assistance to Pakistani students.

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