Pindi’s Unique Nursery Takes on Climate Change

News Desk 

Rawalpindi: The Rawalpindi district administration has inaugurated a special nursery spread over 1000 kanals of land to combat the implications of climate change.

The unique nursery was inaugurated by Deputy Commissioner (DC) Rawalpindi, Hassan Waqar Cheema on Thursday. 

The Gorakhpur nursery was established by the Parks and Horticulture Authority (PHA) on nearly 1000 kanals of land with the objective of promoting plantation.

On the occasion of the “International Day of Forests”, the PHA organized an event in the Gorakhpur area to launch a spring plantation drive. 

A significant turnout of students from various schools and colleges joined the campaign, collectively planting nearly 6000 saplings.

The DC emphasized the pressing environmental challenges faced by the world, particularly Pakistan, and underscored the crucial role of forests and tree plantation in addressing them.

He highlighted forests as essential for human survival on the planet, noting the government’s ongoing efforts to confront the effects of global environmental changes.

Waqar Cheema further emphasized the significance of the Gorakhpur Nursery, highlighting its status as the largest nursery in the region and its pivotal role in promoting plantation activities.

Director General Ahmed Hassan Ranjha of the PHA Rawalpindi emphasized the significant role of the Gorakhpur Nursery in the ongoing efforts for a greener Pakistan, highlighting its capacity to provide a large-scale supply of plants.

He mentioned plans for diverse plant and grass varieties to be cultivated at the nursery, with the intention of distributing them in the upcoming months.

During the spring plantation campaign of 2024, both the Deputy Commissioner and the Director General of PHA participated by planting saplings. The inauguration ceremony took place in Gorakhpur, a Rawalpindi suburb, where the Punjab government allocated 1000 kanals of land to PHA for establishing the nursery aimed at mitigating the effects of global climate change and fostering plantation initiatives.

A spokesperson from PHA emphasized the commitment of the organization, under the directives of Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz Sharif, to ensure the success of the spring plantation campaign.

Additionally, PHA Rawalpindi initiated a special plantation drive within the city, distributing free saplings to the public to encourage participation and ensure the campaign’s success in the public sector.

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