Palestine Abandoned!

Ishtiaq Ahmed

London: It has not gone unnoticed that despite the crocodile tears of Pakistani politicians and the public outcry, the government and the Pakistani military establishment have remained relatively silent on the current Palestine-Israel war. Some would rightly suggest that Pakistan, besieged by its internal political and economic crisis, is not even in the equation to do anything meaningful.

But there is also an additional factor for the Pakistani administration to consider. That it does not jeopardise the reconstructed Pakistan-American pact. Pakistan is also not certain of the direction the Saudis may take as its principal financial backers.

One would think that the Saudis, powerful and influential, would be more forthcoming on the Palestine issue, but they have their own dilemmas. On one hand, they can’t be seen to be antagonising the Americans while at the same time trying to save face amongst the Muslim nations that expect much more of them and certainly not to sit on the fence and watch the genocide of Palestinians unfold.

Secretly, Saudis see the Palestine issue as more of an impediment to their ambition of establishing a more open relationship with Americans and Israel. This is consistent with their approach to Kashmir and their developing relationship with India.

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Iran’s role in this instance is disappointing too. Palestinians would rightly feel let down and betrayed by them. Iran has been forcefully presented by Americans and allies as a rogue state unworthy of trust with an ambition to become a nuclear power that would endanger global peace but, more importantly, would threaten the security of Muslim nations in the region or what is left of them.

Iran has consistently refuted these allegations, which seem to have fallen on deaf ears. It suited Americans, Europeans, and their Muslim conduits to reject and malign Iran. Even the present action by HAMAS has been blamed on Iran being accused of instigating it. Although we are not privy to Iranian involvement, Israelis, capitalising on this, have threatened to launch a full-scale war on Iran.

Even if we assume, for argument’s sake, that Iran was involved, its subsequent lack of support for the Palestinians is tantamount to betrayal. Even if it was not involved, its muted response thus far is bewildering. It would not be far-fetched to contend that in the overall scenario of American design, the Iranian fear factor was deliberately created to bring the Muslim nations in the region into line and increase their dependency on America for protection, thus paving the way for more military bases in the region. In this unique way, Iran is an integral part of the American design to preserve its hold in the region and to thwart the encroachment of its influence by competing superpowers, for example, China.

Another key factor in the mix is the forthcoming American elections and the role of the powerful American Jewish lobby, which Biden, at no cost, would want to offend. Hence, the Biden administration is treading forward cautiously, even though there is no love lost between Biden and Netanyahu. Biden sees Netanyahu’s ultra-right approach to the Palestine issue as a threat to American interests in the region, as outlined above. Netanyahu also sees Biden’s predicament regarding the American Jewish vote and is keen to exploit it to the maximum.

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Where is Turkiye in all this? Turkiye is the only full member of NATO, which puts it in a unique position of influence. Yet, thus far, it has chosen not to significantly come forward. The Turkiye president, who has recently escaped defeat in the national elections, knows that he is not in favor of Americans and Europeans.

Every effort was made to have him removed, but he returned against the best western media predictions and propaganda. Therefore, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is very much about re-establishing his political credentials of not being totally hostile to the West but at the same time preserving the integrity of Turkiye as a modern, more balanced, and more accommodating nation.

Palestine has taken a second stage, even for Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, known for his forceful Islamic credentials. The fact remains that the Palestinians have been abandoned by Muslim nations that are too subservient to their national interests and for their overdependence on American support and protection.

The author is a British citizen of Pakistani origin with a keen interest in Pakistani and international affairs.

The article is the writer’s opinion, it may or may not adhere to the organization’s editorial policy.

  1. Ishtiaq Ahmed says

    From the author of the article:

    Paragraph 8 slightly adjusted to read:

    “Another key factor in the mix is the forthcoming American elections and the role of the powerful American Jewish lobby, which Biden, not at any cost, would want to offend. Hence, the Biden administration is treading forward cautiously, even though there is no love lost between Biden and Netanyahu. Biden sees Netanyahu’s ultra-right approach to the Palestine issue as a threat to American interests in the region, as outlined above. Netanyahu also sees Biden’s predicament regarding the American Jewish vote and is keen to exploit it to the maximum.”

  2. Mohammed Ajeeb CBE says

    Despite apparent differences among Muslim leaders in their approach to the tragic crisis faced by Palestinians, the least they can do is to unite and demand for cecession of violence and bombings of innocent civilians. Also to declare unequivocal support to the creation of independent Palestine state.

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