Pakistan Reports 60,000 Breast Cancer Deaths


Multan: Approximately 90,000 cases of breast cancer are reported annually in Pakistan, with about 60,000 resulting in fatalities, revealed Dr Ahmed Masood Ejaz, a renowned cancer specialist, on Saturday. 

Dr Ejaz made these remarks while addressing attendees at a ceremony hosted by the Rotary Club in Multan. During his speech, he noted the rising incidence of both breast and blood cancers in the country and emphasized the urgent need for widespread awareness.

“Regular screening is crucial as it can help prevent cancer complications,” Dr Ejaz asserted. “Unfortunately, we often prioritize other aspects of life over essential health screenings.”

He identified tobacco, metal, and other factors as major causes of cancer, adding that globally, around 600,000 women die from breast cancer each year.

The ceremony also saw the presence of Rotary Club MidTown President Altaf Shahid, Secretary Hina Babar, Muhammad Muazzim, Ch Shahbaz Chathha, Muhammad Umar, Faheem Sattar, Prof Azam, Kashif Khalil, Amjid Malik, and other notable attendees.

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