Pakistan Independence Day

Ishtiaq Ahmed 

Bradford: This short piece is prompted by a number of invitations to the Pakistan Independence Day celebration events in my city of Bradford, fondly referred to as the ‘little Pakistan’. 

Pakistanis in Pakistan and overseas are enthusiastically preparing to celebrate the 14th of August. Supposedly, it was on this date that the state of Pakistan was born in 1947.

Pakistan Independence Day remains the single most important occasion for the Pakistani nation and its citizens wherever they may be.

On this day, they set aside their differences and grievances to commemorate the birth of their homeland and pay homage to its founding fathers. It is also an occasion for the Pakistan government and the Army establishment to showcase their resolve to the progress and security of the nation.

This mood of celebration is also not lost on the Pakistani diaspora overseas, in fact, it is more intense amongst them, a welcomed opportunity to reassert their identity and affiliation with the country and the nation .

Pakistanis, wherever they may be,  will be marking the birth of their homeland with flag- hoisting,  community gatherings, cultural events , special gatherings of family and friends and dedicated special editions of newspapers, magazines and tv broadcasts. Long may these celebrations continue.

However, Pakistan’s Independence Day celebrations are also an opportunity to ask and reflect on a number of pertinent points:

  1. Is Pakistan truly independent?
  2. Is Pakistan able to ensure its political stability on its own terms, this being essential to its progress and prosperity? 
  3. Is Pakistan able to guarantee the 

safety of life and opportunities to all its citizens to progress in life irrespective of their class, ethnic and religious diversity ? 

  1. Do Pakistanis of all backgrounds feel equal when it comes to access to justice and opportunities?

The answers to these questions will provide a measure of how far we have travelled?

These questions are posed not to dampen the intended spirit of celebrations but help to direct attention to the real purpose for which the state of Pakistan was created. 

The author is a British citizen of Pakistani origin with a keen interest in Pakistani and international affairs.

The article is the writer’s opinion, it may or may not adhere to the organization’s editorial policy.

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