‘Open Data Datathon’ Aims To Improve Talents In Data Sciences


Riyadh: The ‘Open Data Datathon’ concluded on Saturday with an aim at improving skills and talents, enhancing innovation and encouraging participants to find solutions to challenges using open data technologies.

The three-day ‘Open Data Datathon’ witnessed the participation of 200 young people from the Kingdom, Pakistan, Yemen, Egypt, Palestine, Bangladesh, Syria, Algeria and Nigeria.

The Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority (SDAIA) organised the Open Data Day to increase awareness of data and AI technologies and to improve the skills of the Saudi youth through interaction with their peers from other countries.

The Traffic AI team won first place and was awarded a scholarship worth SAR250,000 for a training program at Draper University. Team 2030 won second place and a SAR150,000 training program at London Business School, and third place went to Team Datax, who received SAR30,000 as a cash prize.

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