NEEC Policy 2023: A Roadmap Towards Energy Efficiency &Conservation

News Desk

Islamabad: The National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (NEECA) has prepared a roadmap by which Pakistan can save up to $6.4 billion by adopting behavioural and structural changes with regard to energy conservation.

This huge task to steer Pakistan towards a culture of conservation and efficient use of energy resources to achieve sustainable development can be accomplished with the support and cooperation of multiple stakeholders.

NEECA Managing Director (MD) Dr Sardar Mohazzam shared with the media the contours of the National Energy Efficiency and Conservation (NEEC) Policy 2023 and the National Action Plan 2023 recently approved by the Federal Cabinet.

The NEEC presently deals with four key areas: the power sector (energy and gas), building codes, transport, and agriculture, said Dr Sardar.

Dr Mohazzam further stated that energy efficiency and conservation are becoming key priorities around the world, and Pakistan will eventually need to do the same.

According to him, energy conservation not only eased the strain on the government’s coffers but also promoted climate change adaptation and mitigation. It is consumer-friendly and can help the general public get rid of their high utility expenses, MD added.

Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EE&C) paves the way for sustainable development. The surge in energy prices, exchange rate volatility, increasing demand for energy, and depleting energy resources necessitates Pakistan to opt for higher energy efficiency and conservation measures. Improvement in energy efficiency and conservation is one of the easiest and least cost-effective pathways to improve energy sector sustainability.

The NEEC Policy 2023 has some salient regulatory features, including ensuring compliance with minimum energy performance standards and labelling regimes for electric (Fans, Air Conditioners, Refrigerators, Motors, LEDs) and gas appliances (Geysers, space heaters, cook stoves), equipment, and products.

The Policy 2023 identifies mechanisms to ensure deep-rooted institutionalization, operationalization, and implementation of EE&C in the country and consists of sectoral measures for industry, building, transport, energy (power and Petroleum), and agriculture sectors.

It also mandates energy conservation building codes, mandatory energy audits for facilities and business operations of designated consumers, accreditation of testing laboratories, and the development of industrial assessment centres in collaboration with universities in the industrial hubs of the country, according to Sardar Mohazzam.

Other features of the policy include the mandatory procurement of energy-efficient equipment in all public procurements by incorporating Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) in PPRA rules, the evaluation of energy-efficient appliances during basic load profiling for electricity or gas connection across commercial, household, industrial, and agriculture sectors, a ban on the manufacturing of inefficient lighting like incandescent bulbs and all kinds of high-intensity discharge and fluorescent lamps, and setting energy standards and recommending preferential use of energy.

A massive public campaign on social media, print, and electronic media would be launched so that the public could be made well aware of it, and then we would move towards the implementation stage, Sardar further added.

Besides, the NEEC Policy 2023 provides for concessional financing facilities to retrofit existing buildings, appliances, and industrial facilities with a goal to shorten the payback times and encourage investments in the EE&C.

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