Nearly 3000 Children Suffer From Blood Cancer Annually

News Desk

Karachi: Health experts have revealed that about 3,000 children are diagnosed with blood cancer every year in the country and most types of cancer are related to environmental factors.

Aga Khan University (AKU) Associate Professor Dr Naureen Mushtaq said that the institutional data of 13 treatment centres located in major cities of the country show that 2,000 to 3,000 children suffer from blood cancer yearly. This statistic is not enough to assess the whole situation of the country, she added.

Addressing a press conference held in Karachi to raise awareness about blood cancer, health experts said that the spread of blood cancer is increasing in Pakistan as well as in other parts of the world.

Though factors such as high population growth, early diagnosis of the disease, an increase in life expectancy, and better access to treatment facilities have contributed to the high number of cancer cases being reported today, they added.

The event was jointly organised by Himmel Pharmaceuticals and the Karachi Press Club.

According to experts, blood cancer is the most common disease among children all over the world, including Pakistan. However, accurate data about this disease is not available in Pakistan as a cancer registry has not been established at the national level.

Early diagnosis of the disease is very important for complete treatment and there is an urgent need to develop such facilities where complete treatment is provided to patients because they have to face serious side effects from medicines, health experts further stated.

According to experts, the most common types of blood cancers in adults and children were acute myeloid leukemia and acute lymphoid leukemia.

AKU Dr Salman N. Adil pointed out that the availability of medicines is not a big problem in the case of blood cancer. The real challenge is dealing with health complications that may arise during and after treatment. He further explained that patients need medical support, including quality nursing care, to deal with the side effects of drugs.

Prof Salman further said that most types of cancer are related to environmental factors. For instance, in our case, factors contributing to the illness could be the consumption of food contaminated with toxic chemicals, using tobacco, and exposure to radiation, he added.

Experts lamented that the country is going through an economic crisis, due to which the prices of basic commodities as well as medicines are continuously increasing. Fortunately, cancer drugs are now being developed in the country, they highlighted.

Regarding cancer treatment in Pakistan, AKU Professor Dr. Usman Sheikh said that free holistic medical care in the public sector is available only at the Gambat Institute of Medical Sciences in Khairpur district, though cancer units exist at a few tertiary care government-run hospitals.

Experts advise people not to ignore swelling on the body that can cause repeated infections, persistent fever, weakness, weight loss, or body aches and to consult doctors in case of a worsening condition.

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