Muslim Ummah Must Invest In Youth Capacity-Building

News Desk

Islamabad: We live in a world defined by knowledge and its application and the Muslim world should invest in the capacity-building of youth for socioeconomic development, said COMSTECH Coordinator General Prof M. Iqbal Choudhary.

Addressing the Mustafa (PBUH) Prize for Science and Technology in the Islamic World (STI) distribution ceremony in Isfahan (Iran), Dr Iqbal stated that the launch of the Mustafa (PBUH) Prize is the most significant in the STI landscape of the Muslim world and it has now earned global trust and recognition.

We can together change the world by bringing global science, innovation and education to every corner. added Dr Choudhary.

He quoted Pakistani Nobel Laureate Prof Abdus Salam: “The developing countries differ from developed countries not only because they have less wealth and capital but also because they have less knowledge”.

The OIC is the second-largest group of countries after the United Nations and over 50 per cent of the population in the OIC region is below the age of 25, Dr M. Iqbal further said, adding that this tremendous pool of vigour and creativity requires adequate and relevant education.

Socioeconomic development is no longer dependent on natural resources; knowledge is the main fuel that runs the engines of world economies, opined Dr Muhammad.

He said 12 disruptive technologies will generate a wealth of over 33 trillion dollars by the year 2025, as reported by the McKensy Global Institute 2019 report.

Coordinator General mentioned that science, technology, and education need political support, increased budgets, women’s participation, R&D expenditure on disruptive technologies, an emphasis on patent and intellectual property rights (IPR) protection, S&T collaboration, and the inculcation of increased interest in science learning in youth.

Prof Iqbal informed that COMSTECH has initiated many programs to promote the STI capacity of youth through inter-Islamic cooperation.

It is to mention that Prof. Choudhary was honoured with the Mustafa (PBUH) Prize in 2021 in the field of bio-organic chemistry. The Mustafa (PBUH) Prize was established in 2012 and the award ceremony is held biennially.

Recognized worldwide as the Muslim Nobel, the Prize is a science and technology award presented biennially in four categories: Basic & Engineering Sciences, Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Life and Medical Science and Technology, and Information & Communication Science & Technology.

The Prize, with cash award of half a million dollars, is granted to scholars, researchers and scientists from the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) countries to recognize their scientific contributions towards the cause of Muslim World.

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