Mushahid Urges Use Of Smart Signals To Lessen Accidents

News Desk

Islamabad: Senator Mushahid Hussain Syed called on Thursday for the adoption of artificial intelligence-based smart traffic signals to reduce road accidents and fatalities.

Addressing a two-day ‘Road Safety for Parliamentarians’ conference, Senator emphasised that traffic police, traffic lights and trained drivers are essential components in lowering road accidents.

Mushahid highlighted the importance of staying current with technology, mentioning that the US first introduced traffic signals in 1912; but now with advancements in AI, there is a need for updated traffic signalling systems for improved communication.

He noted that road accidents and fatalities are particularly high in low to middle-income countries, with an average of 80 to 90 people dying in road accidents daily. He pointed out that the majority of road accidents occur in the regions of Punjab and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, and with 30 million vehicles on the roads in Pakistan, a proper road strategy is necessary to reduce accidents.

Hussain emphasised the importance of driver training in preventing road accidents. He also noted the significance of the ‘Saving Lives, Protecting People’ initiative launched by the World Health Organization, which aims to improve health and save lives by strengthening health systems in developing countries. APP

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