Mufti Taqi Usmani Declares Milk Banks Un-Islamic


Imran Takkar 

Peshawar: In a significant religious ruling, the Grand Mufti of Pakistan, Mufti Taqi Usmani, has withdrawn the previously issued fatwa supporting the establishment and use of milk banks, declaring them contrary to Islamic law. 

Mufti Usmani stated that, according to Islamic teachings, milk banks are not permissible under Shariah.

The concept of a milk bank involves women donating their breast milk to be provided to infants in need.

However, Islamic principles of riza’at (breastfeeding) dictate that breastfeeding establishes a foster relationship, which impacts marital rules within the community.

Due to these considerations, Islamic jurists have consistently opposed the concept of milk banks, deeming them incompatible with Shariah.

This ruling underscores the importance of adhering to traditional interpretations of Islamic law in contemporary medical and social practices within Pakistan.

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