‘Mong Phali’ Prices Down, Demand Up

News Desk

Islamabad: The demand for peanuts, locally known as ‘mong phali’, has started to increase as the weather changes in the city.

Prices have witnessed a considerable decrease compared to the previous year, when tempting peanut roadside stalls could be found on every corner of the city.

This year’s seasonal rains have had a favourable effect on peanut production, raising hopes for strong revenue for peanut producers.

A farmer reported that due to record rainfall, daily sales in the previous year, which were between Rs 24,000 and 30,000, had dropped to Rs 19,000 daily this season.

According to another farmer, peanuts have developed into an agricultural powerhouse in the rain-fed districts of Pothohar and beyond, offering farmers significant profits.

A local Punjabi stated that markets have been stocked with these peanuts for decades because of their delicious flavour and high nutritional value.

This high-profit margin crop is helping improve the standard of living for farmers, noted another citizen. While local farmers have long grown peanuts, some residents of Punjab City argue that using machinery and fertilisers this season could increase harvests.

Another resident added that vendors serving hot peanuts roasted in the sand are a charm of winter in the city, and prices this year are more stable compared to the previous year.

A female resident said that there is a strong relationship between peanuts and the cool evenings of the season and that temporary peanut stalls and carts start to appear all over the city in streets, markets and intersections.

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