Lost for 6 Years: UK Teen Alex Batty Reappears in France

News Desk

Islamabad: Alex Batty lost during a two-week family trip to Spain in 2017, at the age of 11, and reappeared six years later, now 17, wandering the roads of France. On December 16, he safely returned to the United Kingdom.

Efforts to locate him were fruitless until he was discovered walking along a road in southern France. His trip, initially meant to be a brief vacation with his mother, 38-year-old Melanie Batty (who lacked legal parental guardianship), and his grandfather, David Batty, 59, was extended due to Alex’s decision to leave home when his mother intended to relocate the family to Finland.

In France, Alex explained to authorities that he had lived off the grid with his family, embracing a nomadic existence within a spiritual community. They traveled through Spain, Morocco, and France, engaging in self-sufficiency, cultivating their food, and delving into spiritual concepts like reincarnation.

Read More: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MbQdBJZi0s

Medical examination confirmed Alex’s good health and revealed no signs of abuse. While he returned to the UK, the circumstances surrounding his disappearance remain unclear. Authorities from Greater Manchester Police, led by Temporary Assistant Chief Constable Matt Boyle, are yet to determine if a criminal investigation is warranted. They’re actively searching for Melanie and David Batty, seeking clarification on their role in Alex’s absence.

Alex initiated contact with his grandmother, Susan Caruana, via Facebook, expressing his longing to return home. Caruana, relieved and grateful for his safety, issued a statement through British police, emphasizing her relief at Alex’s return.

Boyle emphasized the police’s intent to approach Alex sensitively, respecting his pace in discussing the situation, while they continue efforts to unravel the circumstances surrounding his disappearance.

The news has been published in foreign media outlets and reproduced by thepenpk.com. 

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