Lahore Police records 4.8m traffic violations in 2023


Lahore: In 2023, Lahore Traffic Police recorded 4.8 million traffic rule violations, with 2.2 million motorists fined for not wearing helmets. Among these, 2.264 million motorcyclists faced penalties for helmet non-compliance, while 52 were cited for driving without licenses.

City Traffic Officer Ammara Athar outlined that violations included lane cutting, stop-line infractions, and zebra crossing breaches, resulting in fines for 2,023,000 vehicles. Additionally, improper parking led to penalties for 1,200,000 violators.

Moreover, 85,000 one-way violations disrupted traffic flow for 63,000 vehicles. Instances of disregarding red signals, not using seat belts, mobile phone usage while driving, dangerous driving, tinted windows, and other violations accounted for penalties against thousands more.

CTO Ammara Athar stressed that the goal wasn’t solely revenue generation but fostering citizen discipline and enforcing traffic laws effectively. The emphasis remains on improving urban conduct rather than solely imposing fines.

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