Joint Efforts Ensure Peaceful Muharram Observances



Abbottabad: Deputy Commissioner Khalid Iqbal, on Wednesday, urged religious scholars, traders, and citizens to support the district administration in ensuring peace and security during Muharram processions and gatherings.

He made these remarks while presiding over a meeting with all relevant stakeholders.

The deputy commissioner commended the community for their previous efforts in upholding peace and order during the sacred month and underscored the importance of ongoing collaboration.

He emphasized the necessity of adhering to schedules, respecting the sanctity of mosques and pulpits, and avoiding divisive speeches to prevent any undesirable incidents.

Khalid Iqbal also emphasized the importance of religious scholars and traders from all backgrounds respecting the law and working closely with the administration.

The Senior Superintendent of Police reiterated the importance of religious scholars cooperating with law enforcement agencies.

During the meeting, prominent scholars, representatives of the traders’ association, and leaders from the All-Trade Federation expressed their views and pledged full cooperation in maintaining peace and order throughout the holy month.

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