Jazz Introduces Saudi Data Roaming Bundles for Pilgrims


News Desk 

Islamabad: Jazz, Pakistan’s leading digital operator, has launched Saudi data roaming bundles to cater to the connectivity needs of Pakistani pilgrims during their Hajj journey in Saudi Arabia.

According to a news release, these bundles offer pilgrims access to 2GB and 6GB of data, valid for up to 30 and 45 days respectively, at affordable rates.

These bundles ensure that pilgrims can stay connected with their loved ones back home throughout their sacred pilgrimage. 

Pilgrims can easily activate these bundles by dialing *ROAM# or *7626#, reflecting Jazz’s commitment to supporting Pakistani pilgrims by making their journey as seamless and fulfilling as possible.

This initiative demonstrates Jazz’s dedication to meeting the digital needs of its customers, even when they are abroad.

By providing comprehensive communication solutions, Jazz aims to enhance the spiritual experience of Pakistani pilgrims by keeping them connected with family and friends.

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