Increasing Trend Of Grumpy Employees, Minimal Office Work

News Desk

Islamabad: There is a 20 per cent decrease in new jobs in the US and a 22 per cent decrease in the UK. Meanwhile, there is a 150 per cent increase in the number of job applicants compared to last year, according to LinkedIn’s research.

Post-Covid-19, there has been a significant change in employment trends worldwide, with a significant drop in the number of layoffs across the globe compared to the last two years.

The research states that the number of job seekers in the market has increased and new jobs have decreased in the US and UK, while the rate of job applicants has increased.

While many employees have found a job of their choice, there are also a large number of people who want to quit but are stuck in jobs they don’t want to do because of uncertain economic conditions and other reasons. New jobs on the market are negligible.

According to a British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Urdu report, Automatic Data Processing (ADP) firm Chief Economist Nila Richardson stated that many jobs have been lost over time and now employees do not have many opportunities. Because of that, they prefer to stay where they are.

Nila said that employees are unhappy due to rising inflation and the non-increase in salaries; in fact, salary is the first factor that makes an employee unhappy with his job because, despite hard work, salary does not increase.

However, due to the dwindling number of jobs and opportunities, job changers are quietly quitting their jobs.

In a June 2023 Gallup survey of nearly two million people, 59 per cent said they were not engaged in their workplace.

LinkedIn Manager Nigeir Moyes mentioned that when there is a lack of new job opportunities, people quietly reduce or give up their work. Most people work less because they are not attached to work.

Not only are the employees affected by all this, but this trend is also a big problem for the companies as productivity is affected due to disgruntled employees.

Experts say that companies should improve working conditions for employees to reduce this trend; otherwise, most of their employees will continue to work abusively until they find a new job.

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