In Bid for Broader Appeal, Trump Tones Down on Key Issues


Washington: Former President Donald Trump appears to be adjusting his typically fiery rhetoric in an effort to appeal to a broader, more moderate voter base as the US presidential election approaches.

Known for his unpredictable and often inflammatory outbursts, Trump is now practicing self-censorship on key issues such as immigration and abortion.

 Analysts suggest this strategy reflects his confidence in the loyalty of his conservative base while aiming to attract moderate voters.

On abortion, Trump has softened his stance despite being a pivotal figure in the overturning of Roe v Wade, the federal guarantee of abortion rights. 

Recognizing that a hard-line approach is not widely supported, Trump now promotes leaving the decision to states rather than pushing for a nationwide ban, aligning the Republican Party’s platform with this position.

Trump has also criticized “Project 2025,” a controversial document drafted by a conservative think tank, which included proposals for mass deportations of migrants and weakening federal agencies. Although Trump has supported such ideas in the past, he labeled parts of the document as “absolutely ridiculous and abysmal” without specifying which ones.

By branding his campaign as representing the “Party of Common Sense,” Trump is attempting to attract a diverse voter base.

According to Matthew Continetti of the American Enterprise Institute, Trump’s strategy involves maintaining the support of his core conservative base while appealing to voters from the Democratic coalition.

Despite these changes in tone and rhetoric, some caution that Trump’s fundamental views remain unchanged. Princeton University professor Julian Zelizer suggests that Trump’s current strategy is merely a tactical move to avoid political vulnerabilities and that his record in office should be the true measure of his presidency.

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