‘I was Afraid of What Would Happen After Marriage’

News Desk 

Islamabad: Rambo, a renowned actor in the Pakistani showbiz industry, recently disclosed some intriguing details about his and his actress wife Sahiba’s personal lives during a guest appearance on a private TV channel.

Rambo confessed that Sahiba played a significant role in shaping him into a better individual, admitting to numerous past misjudgments.

Reflecting on Sahiba’s early struggles in the film industry, Rambo mentioned her quest for a reliable co-star during a phase of frequent film flops.

He shared how their professional collaboration led to spending considerable time together, allowing him to observe Sahiba closely and appreciate her positive qualities, particularly her respectful treatment of women.

On the other hand, Rambo revealed his instant infatuation with Sahiba upon seeing her photo in a newspaper interview, which eventually led to a six-year pursuit to convince Sahiba’s mother, the former actress Nashu, for their marriage.

Rambo recounted initial apprehensions, both his and his family’s, about Sahiba’s ability to adapt to their modest lifestyle, given her background as a well-known actress from an affluent family, including her reliance on assistants even for simple tasks like wearing shoes.

However, Rambo expressed gratitude for Sahiba’s seamless adjustment to their family dynamics post-marriage, dispelling any concerns and earning praise from his relatives for her exemplary behavior and homemaking skills, which were attributed to Nashu’s upbringing.

In conclusion, Rambo emphasized the invaluable contribution of Sahiba and her mother Nashu, portraying Sahiba as not just a stellar actress but also a remarkable wife who effortlessly integrated into their family with grace and skill.

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