Humza Yusaf Resigns to Avert No-Confidence Vote in Scotland

News Desk 

London: Humza Yousaf, the first minister of Scotland, resigned today (Monday) to avoid a looming vote of no-confidence, sources from London said.

Hamza Yousaf born and raised in Scotland is of Pakistani heritage. His becoming the first ever ‘ first minister’ of Scotland was perceived to be a major breakthrough.

 His resignation came ahead pending a vote of confidence over the breaking of coalition partnership with the Scottish Green party .

We note that Humza Yousaf ’s SNP does not command an overall majority in the Scottish National Assembly and , hence , going in partnership with greens was made inevitable.

Many in his party felt that his dismissal of Green’s from the government was a big mistake. He himself conceded in his resignation speech that he underestimated the strength of feelings in his own party. However, he was not willing to trade his values.

However, many political commentators feel that it was the manner in which he went about severing his government’s coalition with the Green party that angered even some of his close supporters.

Hamza Yousaf in his outgoing speech acknowledged the privilege of being the first minister of Scotland, something that he could conceive in his early days of growing up because people that looked like him were not to be seen in the positions of influence. Today, things are different. We have a Hindu Prime Minister of the UK and a Muslim Mayor of London.

Hamza pledged to continue to work in the party to address inequalities and marginalization of families and children. He also thanked his wife and children for their support and was looking forward to spending more time with them.

We must also note that Hamza Yousaf took over his role about a year ago amidst a major criminal investigation into the SNP which resulted in the previous First Minister Nicola Sturgeon being arrested. He inherited a very difficult political climate for the SNP.

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