Historic Landing Of Aircraft

News Desk

Islamabad: For the first time in history, a super-heavy and large aircraft Boeing 787 Dreamliner landed on a runway built on ice on the continent of Antarctica on November 16.

Located at the South Pole; it is called the coldest, driest and windiest continent in the world, where there is ice everywhere. Although planes and helicopters have landed and departed from Antarctica in the past, this is the first time that a heavy aircraft has flown there.

Experts are calling the landing of the aircraft historic.

According to the American broadcasting organisation CNN, the Boeing 787 returned for the first time after a successful flight from Antarctica on November 16. The said plane left Oslo, Norway, for Antarctica on November 13 and went to the icy continent via Cape Town, South Africa. After a 48-hour layover in Cape Town, the aircraft was flown to Antarctica, where it landed on an icy runway that was 3000 metres long and 60 metres wide.

According to the CNN report, about 40 people were on board along with12 tonnes of scientific research machines and other equipment.

The plane travelled from Cape Town to Antarctica in five hours, and after landing on the icy continent, the plane started the return journey after a gap of four hours.

After the landing of a heavy aircraft in Antarctica for the first time, it is believed that in the future, scientists will make systematic arrangements to take tourists there, but it is too early to say anything in this regard.

Antarctica has always been a source of wonder for people and scientists around the world since it

was first discovered in 1800. It is to mention that 98 per cent of the continent is covered by ice and water which is why there is no human population.

Antarctica is a centre of scientific research, and there are many scientific and experimental stations. There has been no rain in Antarctica for two million years, yet 80 per cent of the water there is fresh and drinkable.

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