Heatwave Grips Pakistan: Temperatures Soar Above 50 in Some Areas

News Desk

Islamabad: Widespread heat continues to dominate most plains of the country today (Sunday), with temperatures soaring above 50 degrees Celsius in some areas, and hovering around 50 degrees in others.

In Punjab, including Lahore, temperatures are forecasted to reach up to 45 degrees Celsius. Karachi, however, may experience a slight relief with temperatures expected to be around 42 degrees Celsius.

Furthermore, a drop in temperature is anticipated in Karachi starting today, with a chance of drizzle in some areas of the city.

According to the Meteorological Department, Karachi’s maximum temperature may range from 35 to 37 degrees Celsius over the next 24 hours.

South Sindh is particularly hard-hit by the heat wave, with temperatures ranging from 43 to 52 degrees Celsius in most districts, including Hyderabad.

This scorching weather has led to hundreds suffering from heatstroke, disrupting daily routines and causing concern among medical experts. They advise citizens, especially those with existing health conditions, to avoid unnecessary outdoor activities, as the heat can be fatal.

Despite the challenging conditions, the Sindh Health Department reports no deaths due to heatstroke in the province. However, approximately 1200 cases of heatstroke have been recorded, with four confirmed deaths by rescue organizations.

In Balochistan, some districts are also experiencing extreme heat, exacerbating discomfort amid unannounced power outages across the country.

On a brighter note, rain is expected today in Gilgit-Baltistan, North Balochistan, and Upper Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. Meanwhile, the weather remains pleasant in the Kashmir Valley, attracting tourists seeking relief from the heat.

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