Head constable killed in attack on polio team in Pishin

News Desk

Quetta: A police head constable was shot dead when unidentified gunmen attacked a team administering polio drops to children under age five in the Killi Tarata area of Pashin district of Balochistan province, district sources confirmed on Tuesday.

According to the district sources, Muhammad Hashim, a head constable rank officer with belt No- 125, was performing duty with a polio team in Sector-3 of Killi Tarata when unidentified assailants on a motorcycle opened fire on the team. As a result, head constable Hashim died on the spot. However, the armed riders fled the crime scene leaving the cop in the pool of blood.

Following the incident, SP Pishin reached the spot and cordoned off the area. Search for the arrest of armed attackers has been started. The local police & CTD officials have also reached the crime scene for further investigation into the matter.

The martyred head constable has been shifted to the Civil Hospital Quetta for medico-legal formalities.

It is to mention here that a week-long anti-polio drive is underway across the country, including Balochistan, to eradicate the fatal polio virus from the country. During the drive, millions of children under five years would be administered polio vaccination.

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