Govt allocates Rs 70b For HEC’s Development Expenditures

News Desk

Islamabad: The Federal Government has allocated Rs 65 billion has been reserved for the current expenditures and Rs 70 billion for the development expenditures of the Higher Education Commission (HEC).

The Finance Minister stated that in order to provide financial support to the education sector, the Pakistan Endowment Fund is being established, for which Rs 5 billion has been reserved. This Endowment Fund would award scholarships to male and female students of high school and college purely on merit, Dar informed.

It is our target that no brilliant student be deprived of higher education due to a lack of financial resources, added Muhammad Ishaq Dar.

The federal government has reinitiated the laptop distribution scheme and under the initiative, as many as 100,000 laptops would be distributed on merit among deserving students. In order to continue this scheme, Rs 10 billion has been allocated for the next fiscal year, Minister informed.

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