Google’s AI Trials Yield Absurd Results

News Desk 

Islamabad: Google, the world’s leading internet search engine, has commenced trials of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in select countries, including the United States.

However, during these trials, it has come to light that the AI tools are providing absurd and potentially harmful advice and responses to users, much to the astonishment of many.

Google has initiated testing of a search feature called AI Overview within its search engine, aimed at furnishing users with more comprehensive information about various content. This feature will prominently display an AI option alongside images, videos, and news on the Google search bar.

Clicking on this option will generate information related to the content. Additionally, AI Overview will offer a brief summary of the searched topic, akin to Wikipedia, along with credible links to relevant content.

Moreover, Google has begun testing AI tools within Google Lens, albeit in a handful of countries, including the United States. However, alongside these efforts, there have been reports of Google AI providing ludicrous responses during testing.

According to CNBC, Google AI purportedly asserts that former American President Barack Obama is a Muslim, wrongly claiming him to be the sole Muslim president of the United States. Furthermore, it suggests using glue to assemble pizza ingredients for a better pizza-making experience.

Additionally, concerning matters of depression, Google AI reportedly recommends suicide as a solution and even provides advice on which buildings individuals suffering from depression could potentially jump from.

These bizarre and inappropriate responses from Google AI have left people astonished and have drawn criticism toward Google.

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