Access To Quality Healthcare Crucial For Prosperous Pak

News Desk

Islamabad: Pakistan’s rapid population increase brings both opportunities and challenges, as well as enormous human capital potential.

To fully realize this potential, concerted efforts are needed to achieve gender equality, women’s empowerment, and access to high-quality healthcare and education, said United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Pakistan Representative Dr Luay Shabaneh.

Pakistan is among the eight countries to account for half of the projected global population growth by 2050, with the country’s population currently estimated at 240.5 million and projected to reach a staggering 403 million by 2050, Dr Luay added.

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He further stated that taking important steps to clear the way for a sustainable and prosperous future includes investing in the health and education of women, tackling gender inequities, and offering economic possibilities.

Dr Luay Shabaneh suggested that providing women with employment opportunities can help them realize their full potential, increasing their participation in the labour market, which can further increase the labour absorption needs that are necessary for a significant increase in economic growth.

“It is essential to upscale maternal health and access to family planning which has been painfully slow, hindering our collective ability to create positive change,” Dr Shabaneh further added.

“Gender-based discrimination not only harms individuals directly affected but also undermines the progress and well-being of society as a whole. Women and girls continue to face numerous barriers and inequalities, limiting their opportunities and stifling their potential,” he maintained.

UN Representative further emphasized that we also need to challenge cultural beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours that support gender inequity and discrimination. By doing this, we can foster a supportive environment where everyone, regardless of gender, can flourish and contribute to society’s advancement.

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