Five Takeaways from Trump’s First Rally Since Assassination Bid


United States: Donald Trump took the stage for nearly two hours at his first rally since a gunman attempted to kill him last week, delivering a fiery and meandering speech to thousands of fervent supporters.

Here are five key takeaways from his address:

Election Fraud Claims

Trump reiterated his claims about the 2020 presidential election being “rigged,” insisting that Democrats will attempt to rig the 2024 election as well. He urged his supporters to ensure a decisive victory to prevent any manipulation, using dramatic language to describe alleged ballot fraud.

Disavowing Extremism

Trump distanced himself from Project 2025, which critics label as an authoritarian blueprint. He dismissed it as extreme and claimed ignorance of its details, insisting that he is not a threat to democracy and framing himself as a defender who recently “took a bullet for democracy.”

Critique of Biden

Trump criticized President Joe Biden’s age and leadership, calling him “stupid” and “a low-IQ individual.” He also attacked Vice President Kamala Harris, suggesting she would be a problematic successor if Biden were to step down.

Relationships with Autocrats

Trump highlighted his relationships with global leaders like North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un, Hungarian President Viktor Orban, and Chinese President Xi Jinping. He claimed that his diplomacy had made the US safer and shared a “beautiful note” from Xi after the assassination attempt.

Immigration Stance

 Trump vowed to launch the “largest deportation operation in US history” if re-elected, describing illegal migration as an “invasion.” He promised to address what he called “migrant crime” and criticized countries like Venezuela for allegedly sending criminals to the US.

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