Five AI Tools to Organize Your Digital Life

News Desk 

Islamabad: As spring arrives, many of us embark on a journey of decluttering, sorting through cabinets, closets, and the accumulation of papers throughout the year.

However, amidst the physical clutter, it’s essential not to overlook the digital clutter that accumulates over time. This includes unnecessary files, space-consuming photos, forgotten emails, and a plethora of open browser tabs.

While the thought of addressing this digital clutter may seem daunting, there’s good news. Several AI-powered Google tools exist to simplify and even automate these tasks, making digital spring cleaning more manageable and efficient.

Here are five important tools that can help you tidy up your digital life. 

  • Simplify Your Gallery with Google Photos

A good starting point is to transfer your photos from your phone and computer to Google Photos. This way, you can free up space on your devices.

Google Photos not only stores your images in the cloud but also employs artificial intelligence to categorize them based on various criteria such as people, places, trips, food, and pets.

This makes it effortless to search and locate specific photos later on.

Additionally, if you find your photo gallery cluttered with duplicates and unnecessary screenshots, consider using Photo Stacks.

This tool utilizes AI to group similar photos taken in quick succession and suggests the best one. Furthermore, Google Photos automatically identifies and categorizes documents into useful albums like receipts and screenshots.

This streamlines the process of finding them when needed. Plus, you can opt to automatically archive screenshots and documents you don’t want in your main gallery after 30 days, saving you the hassle of doing it manually later.

  • Transform Your Inbox with Gmail’s Tabbed Categories

If you’re embarking on an organizational journey and haven’t yet explored Gmail’s tabbed inbox, it’s time to give it a try.

The tabbed inbox utilizes artificial intelligence to categorize emails into up to five different sections: Primary, Promotions, Social, Updates, and Forums.

This streamlines the process of sorting through your emails, saving you from the daunting task of sifting through a cluttered inbox.

To activate the tabbed inbox, simply navigate to Settings, set it as your default inbox, and select the categories you prefer for Gmail to sort incoming messages into.

Here’s a helpful tip: 

If an email lands in the wrong tab, you can easily drag and drop it into the appropriate one.

Gmail’s sophisticated AI algorithms learn from your actions, ensuring future emails are categorized more accurately, thus simplifying inbox management.

While you’re adjusting your inbox settings, take advantage of Gmail’s other AI-powered features such as Smart Compose, Smart Reply, and personalized smart filters.

These tools are designed to enhance your email experience by automating tasks like composing responses and organizing important information.

For instance, smart filters can transform flight confirmations into Calendar events or provide quick updates on package deliveries.

Incorporating these organizational features into your email workflow can save you time and ensure a more streamlined inbox for your future self to appreciate.

  • Let Gemini Guide You to Your Goals

When you encounter obstacles or feel unsure about your next steps, turn to Gemini. This tool is now conveniently accessible through an app.

For instance, if you have a significant goal like training for a marathon, you can converse with Gemini, sharing your current fitness level and desired race date.

It will then generate a personalized training plan for you, which you can easily export to Google Sheets for better time management.

Alternatively, if you need assistance with organization and decluttering, Gemini can help by creating a detailed to-do list with checkboxes to guide you through the process.

Furthermore, when it comes to real-life tidying up after digital spring cleaning, Gemini offers valuable advice for that too.

  • Achieve Your Goals Effortlessly with Gemini

If you have a Google One AI Premium plan, Gemini can help you plan and organize directly in Gmail, Docs, Slides, Sheets and Meet.

If you want to get more organized when it comes to budgeting, for example, you can ask Gemini to help create a Google Sheets setup to track your finances.

Or use Gemini in Docs to help you draft a list of big projects you want to get done over the course of the year, complete with steps and checklists.

And in Gmail, Gemini can help you draft and respond to emails quickly, whether you are writing an application to a summer internship, or creating an email to get your friends organized for the next reunion.

  • Let Chrome’s AI Organize Your Tabs

Do you find yourself accumulating numerous tabs over time without closing them, or do you regularly tidy them up? Chrome now offers a new feature called “Organize similar tabs” to assist in managing your tabs.

This experimental tool utilizes AI to suggest and create tab groups based on your currently open tabs. While tab groups are already helpful for decluttering manually, this AI-powered feature provides extra assistance.

To access it, open Chrome, click on the three-dot menu, choose “Settings,” and then select “Experimental AI.”

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