Farewell to Phoenix

Asem Mustafa Awan

Islamabad: Phoenix, the all-seeing cat who once perched on my desk, is no longer here to watch me work at the computer. For years, she kept a vigilant eye on me, ensuring that I stayed on task.

Her presence motivated me to finish my work quickly so that I could let her roam outside the office and, of course, feed her afterward.

Our bond spanned over four years, during which we both faced the hostility of those who disliked Phoenix—and perhaps me even more for allowing her into the office. Despite the challenging environment, Phoenix and I shared an unspoken understanding, a companionship nurtured by love and care.

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Phoenix had four litters of kittens during our time together, but tragically, none survived in the harsh environment of the newspaper office, where truth is often twisted, and deception thrives. Yet, through all the adversity, Phoenix remained a steadfast companion, her loyalty unwavering.

Our relationship was built on trust and the simple joy of shared moments. I often went out of my way to ensure she had her favorite food—chicken liver, either cooked or boiled.

Staff members were sometimes paid in advance to bring her meals from a nearby kiosk, which was informed beforehand that the food was for Phoenix.

Now, the office feels emptier without her. Phoenix is missed dearly, not just as a pet, but as a constant, comforting presence in a place where sincerity is rare. She was more than just a cat; she was a friend, a silent confidant who made even the hardest days a little more bearable.

The writer is a journalist based in Islamabad and writes on a wide range of issues.

Photo Credit: Asem Mustafa Awan

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