FAPUASA Sindh Blames Provincial Govt for Crisis in Universities

News Desk 

Islamabad: The Federation of All Pakistan Universities Academic Staff Associations (FAPUASA) Sindh has placed full responsibility for the ongoing crisis in public sector universities on the Sindh government.

The teaching community condemns the government’s dismissive attitude, which has exacerbated the situation, forcing faculty members to suspend academic activities in response to government neglect and provocative actions.

FAPUASA Sindh strongly opposes the appointment of bureaucrats as vice-chancellors, arguing that such decisions undermine academic standards and erode institutional autonomy.

As a result, the Federation has decided to extend the suspension of academic activities in all public sector universities in Sindh for another two days. In addition, protest rallies will be organized across the province by various teachers’ associations.

On Tuesday, under the banner of FAPUASA Sindh Chapter, teachers’ associations from all public sector universities will stage a large-scale protest at the Karachi Press Club. Other organizations, including the Sindh Professors and Lecturers Association (SPLA), Karachi Bar Association, and civil society groups, are invited to join in solidarity with the teaching community’s demands.

FAPUASA Sindh also resolved to bring the crisis in Sindh’s universities to the national stage. The Federation will call on the President and General Secretary of FAPUASA Pakistan to highlight the issues during their upcoming meeting and press conference in Islamabad. 

Additionally, they are urging FAPUASA Pakistan to declare a nationwide “Black Day” to show solidarity with Sindh’s academic staff. The central body will also be asked to communicate directly with the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan to bring attention to the critical challenges faced by Sindh’s public sector universities.

The Sindh Chapter further plans to consult leading lawyers to explore legal action against the proposed amendment bill, which threatens the autonomy and functioning of public sector universities.

FAPUASA Sindh Chapter has also condemned derogatory remarks made by the Sindh Chief Minister about professors and academia. These statements have been criticized for undermining the teaching profession and further demoralizing faculty members, risking the dignity of higher education in the province.

The Federation calls for urgent intervention from all stakeholders, including the federal government, judiciary, and civil society, to resolve the crisis and protect the future of higher education in Sindh.

FAPUASA Sindh held an online meeting to discuss the next steps, with representatives from Karachi University, Sindh Madressatul Islam University Karachi, NED University Karachi, Mehran Engineering University Jamshoro, Sindh University Jamshoro, Government College University Hyderabad, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam, University of Sufism and Modern Sciences, Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering and Technology Nawabshah, Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur, Mehran University Campus Khairpur, Technical University Khairpur, and Shaikh Ayaz University Shikarpur participating in the discussions.

The meeting concluded with a unanimous decision to take further action in defense of academic rights and institutional autonomy.

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