Family Planning Awareness Among Marginalised, Young People Crucial

News Desk

Rawalpindi: The issue of rapid population growth can only be resolved with the cooperation of the masses and the Population Welfare Department is trying its utmost to expand reproductive health services in all areas, said District Population Officer Sherry Sukhan on Monday.

Addressing a seminar at the Rawalpindi Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Sherry stated that the purpose of observing World Population Week is to raise public awareness of the value of family planning and to expand services that are necessary for marginalised and young people to plan their families.

Lack of food and blood are the main causes of women’s illnesses, and proper planning is necessary for the health of both mother and child, added the Population Officer.

Sukhan further said that when couples decide to have smaller and healthier families, it benefits the community socially, economically and environmentally. In order to raise public awareness and dispel misconceptions regarding family planning, the participation of the media and ulemas is crucial, she suggested.

In connection with World Population Day, the population welfare department in Rawalpindi observed ‘Population Week’ in a befitting manner by organising competitions, seminars, baby shows, demonstration walks, and other activities in the district.

The department had organised around 576 camps in various areas of the district, including Murree, KotliSattian, Kahutta, Seri Chiniota, Bagla, Barhana, Jandala Gula, Bhandala, and Karina, to create awareness among people and control the rapid growth of the population last year.

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