Polio Drops for 1.5M


Faisalabad: As many as 1.53677 million children up to the age of five years would be administered polio drops during the campaign starting from October 2 to October 8, informed Deputy Commissioner Abdullah Nayyar Sheikh.

The Deputy Commissioner inaugurated a week-long anti-polio drive by administering the vaccine at Hilal-e-Ahmar Maternity Hospital on Saturday.

Abdullah Nayyar stated that 4849 polio teams are deputed for the drive, and these teams would pay door-to-door visits in addition to ensuring vaccination of the children who are traveling with their parents.

Sheikh directed district health authorities to implement a micro-plan for achieving the 100 percent target of the anti-polio campaign.

All modes of advertisement should be adopted to sensitise people, and no negligence would be tolerated in this regard, DC Nayyar added.

Pakistan’s Fight Against Polio

Pakistan has been actively engaged in extensive anti-polio campaigns aimed at eradicating the disease from the country. These campaigns involve massive vaccination drives, targeting children under the age of five across the nation.

Efforts are coordinated by government health departments in collaboration with international health organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, and various local NGOs. The campaigns often include door-to-door vaccinations, mobile health units, and fixed vaccination centers in both urban and remote areas.

However, these initiatives face challenges due to misconceptions, cultural beliefs, and sometimes security concerns. Some communities remain hesitant about vaccination due to misinformation or distrust. Overcoming these barriers requires not only providing vaccines but also engaging with communities, religious leaders, and influential figures to build trust and awareness.

Despite these challenges, Pakistan has made significant progress in reducing polio cases. Continuous efforts and persistence have led to a decline in reported cases, showcasing the dedication of health workers and the commitment of the government to combat this debilitating disease.

Ongoing campaigns emphasize the importance of reaching every child to ensure they receive the necessary polio drops, aiming to create a polio-free Pakistan and contribute to the global eradication of this infectious disease.

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