Experts Stress Ethical SRM, Global Collaboration

Islamabad: The experts at the conclusion of the two-day international conference on solar geo-engineering on Thursday stressed that ethical implementation of solar radiation modification (SRM) technology through just and ethical implementation was imperative in developing cooperation linkages between the global north and south.
They were addressing the inaugural two-day training seminar on advancing science to combat escalating global warming and climate change, themed “Embracing Climate Change: Educating and Training on SRM,” in Islamabad.
COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI) and the Alliance for Just Deliberation on Solar Geo-Engineering orchestrated the event, aiming to broaden understanding of emerging climate science and its governance complexities among policymakers, academia, civil society, and the media.
Dr Jesse Reynolds from the DEGREES Initiative said that climate change was the most difficult challenge faced by the international community and demanded dedicated scientific assets, capital, and human resources to ward off the adverse impacts of global warming and environmental degradation.
He mentioned that his organisation was approaching international policymakers on SRM and solar geo-engineering, as most of its efforts were focused on scientific research intended to manage climate risks.
Clara Botto of SRM Youth Watch, Italy (online) briefed the participants on emerging technology and its trends based on solar geo-engineering that demanded a prudent and collaborative approach towards SRM systems.
The session was followed by a survey on SRM by the CUI and DSG that aimed to focus on the outcomes of the two-day international training seminar and gauge the knowledge of the participants on SRM.
Speaking on the ethical viewpoints for Pakistanis to consider in an SRM world, Dr Ghulam Shabbir, CUI, highlighted that the world was on the brink of a major crisis due to the nuclear arsenal and climate change, whereas the planet Earth witnessed the extinction of mankind five times, and it would be the sixth time that this would be triggered due to mankind’s self-damaging technologies.
He added that the race of progress had led to exacerbating damage to the climate and environment, risking human life to extinction on earth, which needed a balance through moral and ethical values that could be found in religion.
In his vote of thanks, Chairman, Department of Meteorology, CUI, Dr KalimUllah, extended his gratitude to the participants and felicitated the former Head of the Centre for Climate Research and Development (CCRD), CUI, Dr Athar Hussain, for holding the first successful international event on SRM.
He called the initiative a great step that convened participants from diverse backgrounds to attend the training conference. He thanked HassaanSipra, SRM Expert, DSG, and Executive Director, DSG, ShuchiTalati, for reaching out from the USA to participate in the conference.

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