Expert Calls for Genetic Testing Awareness

News Desk 

Islamabad: A health expert emphasized the need for advancing genetic testing facilities and launching media campaigns to raise public awareness about combating rare diseases.

These neglected genetic conditions are responsible for approximately 70 percent of infant deaths in Pakistan.

Dr Riffat Ahmad, Assistant Professor at Jamia Karachi, highlighted the severity of genetic diseases, describing them as often chronic, debilitating, and life-threatening, necessitating specialized long-term treatments.

She pointed out that Pakistan’s high rate of consanguineous and caste-based marriages contributes to the prevalence of genetic disorders, stressing the crucial role of raising awareness at all levels.

Dr Riffat stressed the significance of research and awareness initiatives in reducing the incidence of genetic disorders in Pakistan.

Additionally, she discussed the complications associated with hemophilia, an inherited genetic disorder that impairs blood clot formation.

It was noted by experts that millions of people suffer from genetic defects due to consanguineous or first-cousin marriages in the country.

Dr Riffat highlighted prenatal diagnosis as a proven method for preventing genetic disorders, emphasizing its role in selecting healthy individuals.

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