Expert Advocates Parental Awareness as Key to Addressing Polio Refusal

News Desk

Islamabad: Dr Iqbal Memon, a health expert in Islamabad, on Wednesday urged parents nationwide to prioritise polio vaccines for their children’s well-being.

“Parents in Karachi and other far-flung areas of the country must understand the huge risk polio poses to their children’s well-being and ensure that they receive multiple doses of the oral polio vaccine and are up to date on their routine immunizations,” Dr Memon said.

Ulema should play a pivotal role in polio eradication, while a focus on removing misconceptions about the vaccine is needed, he mentioned.

The health expert upon people from different walks of life to hold more awareness drives that can overcome the challenges of ‘refusal of parents’ during polio drives to make the country free of the polio virus.

Dr Memon was talking to a private news channel. He said that the polio virus has been eradicated in different countries, but unfortunately, Pakistan is still fighting against it due to the refusal of guardians.

He said that although there has been significant progress towards the eradication of the disease, there is a need for collaborative efforts to get rid of polio.

The health expert also lauded the efforts of the government and appreciated the decrease in the number of polio cases.

He suggested that educational institutes should be involved in arranging awareness campaigns and polio eradication policies, while adding that conferences on the issue would be helpful.

Replying to a question, he said that the management of polio survivors is not only a medical and rehabilitation problem involving accessibility and accommodations, but also a public health issue and, most importantly, an ethical concern.

While referring to the role of youth on social platforms, he pointed out that their voice was very significant not only in creating awareness about polio eradication but in each and every walk of life and emphasised extending their support in removing the misconceptions about polio vaccines and countering negative propaganda in this regard.

He also lauded the services of frontline polio workers, saying that we as a nation should acknowledge their untiring efforts, selfless services, and sacrifices for the national cause of polio eradication and securing the future of our children.

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