Escalating Gaza Attacks Pose Risk of Spreading Conflict: UN Official


United Nations: UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, Izumi Nakamitsu, raised alarms regarding the widening conflict amid relentless Israeli attacks on Gaza during a conference focused on establishing a nuclear weapon-free zone in the Middle East on Tuesday.

In her address during the conference’s opening session on behalf of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, Nakamitsu expressed profound emotions, stating, “I come to this conference with a heavy heart, bearing anguish, pain, and sorrow unlike any in my more than 30 years of UN service.”

I come to this conference with a heavy heart, bearing anguish, pain, and sorrow unlike any in my more than 30 years of UN service: UN Nakamitsu

She highlighted a moment of silence observed by UN personnel, honouring the memory of the 101 courageous colleagues from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) who lost their lives in Gaza while serving others.”

During her address to the conference last year, she spoke of the increasing geopolitical tensions and conflicts in the world and the strain on multilateral disarmament and non-proliferation regimes. “A year on, we are witnessing a crisis of humanity unfolding in front of our eyes in Gaza,” she said.

The geopolitical and security situation has worsened, and relations among major powers have further strained, Nakamitsu noted.

She expressed deep concern about clear violations of international humanitarian law in the ongoing conflict.

“Let me repeat the clear, unequivocal position of the United Nations that no party to an armed conflict is above international humanitarian law. Even wars have rules,” she said, calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire to allow for life-saving aid to reach those in urgent and desperate need.

Cool heads and diplomatic efforts must prevail: UN Nakamitsu

“Cool heads and diplomatic efforts must prevail,” she said, emphasising that no effort should be spared to help pave the way to peace and a two-state solution with Israelis and Palestinians living in peace and security.

Addressing the root causes of the conflict, including through a broader peace and security architecture in the region, is urgent, Nakamitsu said.

Given the current crisis in the Middle East, the decision to continue the important work of the Conference demonstrates a collective will to use dialogue and diplomacy to seek common security and regional peace.

“Any threat to use nuclear weapons is inadmissible and further illustrates the urgency and imperative to achieve the objective of a Middle East zone free of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction,” she said.

The current session will continue to address key issues for a future Middle East zone treaty. The importance of effective verification cannot be understated, as it ensures compliance and fosters trust among the parties in a future zone, she said.

‘The path towards the establishment of a Middle East zone through the elaboration of a legally binding treaty will not be smooth sailing’

“The path towards the establishment of a Middle East zone through the elaboration of a legally binding treaty will not be smooth sailing,” she said. But the incremental approach of the conference is working well in preparing states for future negotiations of a treaty, she added, reiterating a call for the full participation of all states in the region. “A Middle East zone free of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction will significantly contribute to the peace and security of the Middle East and beyond,” she said.

Opening the conference, the President of the fourth session of the Conference, Taher El-Sonni of Libya, said the crisis in Gaza and its unpredictable backlash for peace and security in the Middle East and beyond underscores the urgency of the work of the Conference.

“The grave violations by the Israeli occupation forces must come to an end immediately,” he said. “As long as there are nuclear weapons and other WMDs (weapons of mass destruction) in our region, there will be no hope for sustainable peace in our region,” he said, adding that the provocative statement by a representative of the Israeli government a few days ago, threatening the use of nuclear weapons against Gaza, is unacceptable.

‘The grave violations by the Israeli occupation forces must come to an end immediately’

The Conference and all parts of the United Nations must condemn that threat, which proves the gravity of the situation, he said.

The President of the General Assembly, Dennis Francis, noted that over four decades ago, the Assembly recommended the establishment of a nuclear-free zone in the Middle East.

“The ardent hope for a safer future has not been lost on the sands of time,” he said, highlighting that only two weeks ago, the First Committee (Disarmament and International Security) reaffirmed its unflinching support for the establishment of this zone, calling for urgent and practical steps for implementation.

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