Environmental Heroes: 20 Organizations Acknowledged for Eco-Innovation

News Desk
Islamabad: Climate change is an undeniable reality, particularly evident in Pakistan where awareness is high. However, this awareness shouldn’t lead to a sense of complacency.

Environmental stewardship is a collective responsibility, and my visits to Pakistan have underscored the pressing need for action, particularly in waste management, air pollution mitigation, and waterway conservation.
These sentiments were shared by Belgium Ambassador Charles Delogne during an award ceremony organized by DEVCOM-Pakistan at the Pakistan National Council of the Arts (PNCA) in Islamabad on Tuesday.
Ambassador Delogne emphasized that DEVCOM exemplifies how determined efforts coupled with creativity can yield swift results.
He extended congratulations to the deserving winners. Delogne expressed gratitude to DEVCOM for the invitation to PNCA for the award ceremony and conference aimed at promoting best practices in environmental preservation.
As many as 20 organizations across the country were honored for their outstanding efforts in championing sustainable and eco-friendly practices as part of the inaugural “Pakistan Environmental Awards” on World Environment Day.
These awards, presented by Decom-Pakistan in collaboration with the Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency (Pak-EPA), the Pakistan National Council of the Arts (PNCA), various sub-national EPAs, and industrial associations, aim to recognize and commend exceptional environmental initiatives.
The ceremony drew a diverse crowd including environmental activists, industry leaders, policymakers, and the general public, underscoring a shared dedication to fostering a greener, more sustainable planet.
Award recipients encompassed a range of entities, including banks, cement companies, development organizations, and media outlets, among others.
Former Prime Minister Shahid Khqan Abbasi reflected on Pakistan’s abundant natural beauty and emphasized its importance for national pride and the well-being of its people. He also highlighted the need for concerted efforts to address the damage done to these resources and advocated for the adoption of best practices for their restoration.
Devcom-Pakistan Executive Director Munir Ahmed commended Pakistan’s achievements in environmental compliance, conservation, and community engagement, stressing the importance of mainstreaming these successes to inspire others to prioritize the restoration of land and natural resources.
The Pakistan Environmental Awards, according to him, serve as a platform to recognize and appreciate the environmental efforts of industries and organizations.
Ashiq Ahmed Khan provided insights into the selection process for the awardees, while other speakers at the conference shared expertise on best practices for land restoration and drought resilience.

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