Journalist Empowerment Spurs Pluralism

News Desk

Islamabad: Media experts emphasised the critical role of grassroots journalists in fostering a diverse and inclusive media landscape in Pakistan.

They also highlighted the significance of grassroots journalism in promoting gender-responsive reporting and ensuring that the media accurately reflects the experiences and perspectives of women and girls.

Participants discussed the importance of incorporating gender-sensitive approaches into their work and strategies for addressing gender inequality in the media. Seminars were conducted with the aim of bolstering the capabilities of grassroots journalists, promoting media diversity, gender-responsive journalism, and media pluralism.Journalist Empowerment Spurs PluralismAccording to the speakers, these sessions played a crucial role in enabling journalists associated with various media organisations and independent media outlets to effectively combat misinformation while ensuring the security of their digital presence in a rapidly evolving environment. During the discussions, participants openly shared their valuable experiences navigating the intricate and demanding media landscape.

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The Institute for Research, Advocacy, and Development (IRADA) organised these seminars in collaboration with UNESCO and the National Press Club. IRADA Executive Director Muhammad Aftab Alam highlighted the objectives of the seminars, engaging over 50 print and electronic media journalists, notably women journalists.

The first seminar, “Countering Disinformation and Misinformation and Securing Online Safety and Privacy,” addressed the multifaceted challenges digital journalists face. Media development expert Sadaf Khan led a session on countering misinformation, equipping participants with skills to combat it effectively.Journalist Empowerment Spurs PluralismJournalist and media development practitioner Momina Mandeel focused on securing online safety, emphasising potential threats arising from personal details shared on social media platforms.

The second seminar, “Digital Content Production and Storytelling,” concentrated on themes like mobile journalism, digital content creation, storytelling, and investigative skills for quality reporting. Senior journalist Badar Alam stressed ethical journalism’s significance in the digital sphere during the session on digital content production and mobile journalism.

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Digital journalism expert Amel Ghani led the session “The Art of Digital Storytelling and Investigative Skills.” Participants were briefed on assessing their digital platform’s performance through tools like Google Analytics and aligning their platforms with trends on various social media platforms.

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