Emergency Responders Mobilize for Disaster Relief Activities

News Desk

Quetta: The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has initiated a series of multi-hazard mock drills and exercises to enhance the preparedness and response capabilities of Balochistan’s disaster management agencies to deal with emergency-like situations.

In this regard, the NDMA, in collaboration with the Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) in Balochistan, has organised a pioneering simulation exercise (SimEx) on floods and earthquake emergencies in Quetta from November 15 to 17, 2023.

While inaugurating the SimEx, Balochistan Home and Tribal Affairs Caretaker Minister Muhammad Zubair Jamali emphasised the need for effective coordination and cooperation among all agencies involved in disaster management and relief activities.

Seven syndicates participated in the scenario-based tabletop exercise in Quetta, including NDMA, PDMA Balochistan, the Armed Forces, UN organisations, NGOs, and representatives of other coordinating departments. The syndicates conducted mock drills on preparedness and response based on various scenarios, such as cyclones, forest fires, floods and earthquakes.

Zubair Jamali appreciated the efforts of the NDMA for a proactive approach to enhancing the national preparedness and response structure for any disaster.

The NDMA conducted the first SimEx at a national level in March 2023 in Islamabad.

To examine the technical-driven probabilistic recurrence of floods, forest fires, earthquakes, and coastal emergencies in Balochistan, the exercise would enable the provincial departments and local administrations to develop preparedness plans at all levels.

The National Emergencies Operations Centre (NEOC), a digital hub of proactive modelling, is capable of gathering, fusing, and interpolating climate intelligence, social data, and geohazard mapping software to project IT-driven trajectories for disasters and emergency modelling to incite national preparedness.

The authority to assess disaster risks, anticipate disaster probabilities, and plan response through a proactive approach. Additional input from APP.

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