Elderly man conned by a young lover in Rawalpindi 

Police/File photo

Zafar Malik

Islamabad: In a rare occurrence, a 70-year-old man fell prey to a young lover in Rawalpindi. Muhammad Shafiq lodged a report with the SaddarBairuni police station that a young girl named Nazia contacted him few days back. After that, they remained in communication until the girl insisted on him for a meeting on July 15 which he accepted.

He went to meet Nazia at Tiramire Chowk in his car, adding that he took her to Rawalpindi Airport Housing Society where three armed persons intercepted them. They assaulted him and snatched his car along with documents, cash and other valuables.

The victim man has suspected that the armed robbers were crime partners of the girl. The police have registered a case under section 392 and started investigation.

1 Comment
  1. Mashud Haque says

    An old fool fell for romance scam. No sympathy.

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