DigiMAP Stands Firm In Its Mission To Safeguard Information Access

News Desk

Islamabad: Everyone has the inherent right to seek, receive and impart information which is an integral facet of the right to freedom of expression.

Digital media plays a fundamental role in disseminating vital information, and we are committed to advancing its growth and development in Pakistan, stated DigiMAP President Sabookh Syed.

As the world observes the International Day for Universal Access to Information on September 28th, DigiMAP (the Digital Media Alliance of Pakistan) reaffirms its commitment to the fundamental human right of access to information.

This day underscores the pivotal role of media, including digital and electronic platforms, in providing open access to information for all citizens.

DigiMAP Secretary General Adnan Aamir emphasise the importance of the proper implementation of relevant laws and regulations, ensuring the security and safety of journalists while accessing crucial information.

DigiMAP recognizes the dedication and sacrifices of digital media journalists in Pakistan, who have tirelessly supported the cause of freedom of expression and the struggle for access to information.

Their untiring commitment to these principles has been instrumental in advancing the cause of democracy and transparency in Pakistan.

This year, DigiMAP aligns with UNESCO’s theme for the International Day: “The Importance of the Online Space for Access to Information”. This theme resonates with the digital era’s challenges and opportunities, highlighting the accessibility of information within the digital space.

Additionally, DigiMAP remains committed to its mission to cultivate a thriving digital media ecosystem in Pakistan. This vision is supported by advocating for policies that safeguard and promote the growth of digital media, recognizing that digital media represents the future of journalism and communication.

DigiMAP invites all stakeholders, including media organizations, policymakers, and civil society, to join hands in advocating for a robust digital media landscape where the right to access information is upheld and the voices of journalists are safeguarded.

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