Deportation Deadline Looms For Afghan Refugees, Retaining Centre Activated


Peshawar: The government has activated Retention Centres with a capacity to hold 2000 individuals at a time at each centre as the deadline for volunteer repatriation of illegal and unregistered foreigners ended on October 31.

According to official sources, the centre has been activated to expedite the process of repatriation of illegal Afghan refugees.

The illegal foreigners would be brought to the centre and presented before the magistrate after their data registration, and after completing the legal requirements, the Khyber Police would take them to the Torkham border for repatriation.

Special security arrangements has also been made in the centre, including the installation of CCTV cameras, the deployment of police personnel, armoured vehicles and a mobile NADRA registration van.

The medical staff has also been deputed to the centres, along with two ambulances.

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