DC Visits DHQ, Cattle Market To Ensure Proper Facilities

News Desk

Rawalpindi: Deputy Commissioner (DC) Rawalpindi Hasan Waqar Cheema visited the District Headquarters Hospital (DHQ) on Friday to review the medical facilities provided to the patients. While interacting with the patients and their attendants, he inquired about the treatment facilities provided to them at the hospital.

Hasan Waqar took rounds of various hospital wards, including the male and female wards, the operation theatre, the medical store, the emergency department, and others. He directed the management of the DHQ to ensure cleanliness arrangements in the hospital, adequate seating, and clean drinking water for the patients and their attendants. He also directed that medicines be available in sufficient quantities at the hospitals.

The DC further asked for the best cleanliness arrangements at the hospital’s washrooms and directed them to make the air conditioning system functional.

Later, the deputy commissioner also visited the cattle market in the Khayaban Sir Syed area and reviewed the seating, drinking water, cleanliness, medical facility, and other arrangements.

DC Cheema directed the concerned officials to ensure plenty of water and shady places for animals during hot weather. He directed the police officials to watch for criminal elements like pickpockets in the cattle markets.

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