CTP Advises Use of Fog Lights While Driving at Night

News Desk

Rawalpindi: City Traffic Police (CTP) Rawalpindi advised drivers to utilise fog lights when driving their vehicles at night due to the smog/fog that has covered the majority of Punjab’s cities.

City Police Officer Rawalpindi Tamoor Khan has urged the public to exercise caution behind the wheel and adhere to posted speed limits when travelling on highways, motorways, and in open spaces covered in heavy haze or fog. He advised drivers to attempt to travel during the day and to avoid travelling at night when advising them on road safety.

Tamoor Khan promised that in foggy or smoggy conditions, all available resources would be used to offer safe and sound passage for road users.

City Police Officer emphasised the need for residents to take preventative steps and adhere to traffic laws, saying that the haze is causing eye infections and other health difficulties in road users, particularly motorcycle riders.

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