Crackdown on Illegal Excise Agents in ICT

News Desk 

Islamabad: The Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) Administration has initiated a crackdown against unauthorized agents operating outside the excise office, responding to numerous citizen complaints. 

In line with the directives of Deputy Commissioner, Assistant Commissioner Pothohar, Aneeq Anwar spearheaded the operation, resulting in the arrest of 11 agents. 

These individuals were reportedly soliciting fees from citizens for services that should be free or handled directly through the excise office.

The agents, accused of demanding commissions from the public.

The deputy commissioner has instructed officers to conduct surprise visits outside the excise office to deter the presence of these agents.

He also emphasized that the agent mafia would not be allowed to operate in the area, aiming to ensure a hassle-free experience for the public.

Additionally, the DC advised residents to report any contact with these agents to the district administration immediately. This step was crucial to maintaining the crackdown’s momentum and preventing further exploitation of citizens, he added.

For those seeking to register their vehicles, the DC highlighted alternative options available to avoid dealing with unauthorized agents. 

The citizens could order vehicle registration services to their homes by contacting the excise office’s helpline. 

Furthermore, mobile excise vans provide services at various locations throughout the city, offering convenient and legitimate alternatives.

This initiative by the district administration aimed to protect citizens from being exploited by unauthorized agents and to streamline the registration process.

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