Court Clears ‘Maharaj’ Film for Netflix After Temporary Ban


News Desk

Islamabad: The High Court of Gujarat lifted the temporary ban on the film ‘Maharaj’, allowing its release on Netflix. Junaid Khan, son of Aamir Khan, stars in the lead role.

 Justice Sangeeta K Vaishan stated that the petitioner’s concern about potential defamation and insult to a community lacked merit.

 The court determined that the film, centered around the 1862 Maharaj defamation case, does not offend any community’s sentiments.

The initial ban, imposed on June 13, was overturned by the court.

‘Maharaj’ is based on a 2013 book by Gujarati author Saurabh Shah, exploring the historical case involving Jadunathji and social reformer Krisandas Moljee, addressing accusations of Maharaj’s sexual misconduct.

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