Cool Quaff: Demand For Sugarcane Juice On The Rise In Twin Cities

Shazia Mehboob

Islamabad: The summer season has yet to reach its peak but the demand for sugarcane juice has increased in the twin cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad.

As the summer season approaches, the rising temperature has forced people to look for chilled drinks for relief in the sweltering heat. Roadside vendors and shopkeepers selling fresh sugarcane juice have been making brisk business where motorists, as well as pedestrians, throng stalls in large numbers throughout the day.

The juice called ‘gannay ka rus’ in Urdu is the most popular drink in South Asian countries.

A large number of customers from all parts of the city visit his stall and order juice for themselves and for their family members and friends, stated stall owner Abdul Hameed.

He said that he used lemon, mint leaves, salt, and ginger to make sugarcane juice. The sugarcane juice is one of the best ways to quench your thirst and beat the summer heat, added Hameed.

“Juices made of sugarcane are regarded as effective in beating the heat,” said a pedestrian, Usman Ali, while having a glass of juice at a vendor in G-10 Markaz.

“No doubt this traditional drink of fresh sugarcane juice is cheaper than most other fresh fruit juices,” said Iqra, a student buying juice at the cart.

“My kids like sugarcane juice because it is refreshing during the summer,” said a customer, adding, “We always prefer it to soft drinks and other fresh juices.”

“This is one of the best seasonal businesses which helps us to make a good profit with a small amount of investment,” said a vendor at Jinnah Super Market.

Nutritional Benefits

According to health experts, sugarcane juice is a good source of glucose which helps to rehydrate the human body and gives it a boost of energy. So instead of artificial energy drinks, drinking a glass of sugarcane juice is healthier. The sugarcane juice boosts protein levels in the human body. It also helps maintain the health of the kidneys. Knowing its effectiveness for the human body, a large number of twin cities residents visited roadside sugarcane juice stalls to beat the heat.

“Sugarcane is a blessing for us, as it is easily available to us, said Lahore-based Nutritionist Romaisa Mughal.

She stated, “The glucose and other electrolytes present in sugarcane juice can give us an instant energy boost.”

A glass of sugarcane juice can also help cool down our body temperature during the harsh summers. It contains micronutrients like vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and iron, Nutritionist added.

Regarding its effectiveness in preventing chronic diseases, Nutritionist Mughal told that sugarcane has been shown to prevent prostate and breast cancer. It helps to boost our immunity to fight against these cancers due to the presence of flavonoids in it.

Moreover, it is useful for the kidney because its juice is an effective diuretic which helps the kidney function properly. It is also helpful for kidney stones and urinary tract infections, Romaisa further said.

Furthermore, it is also important for the liver which keeps it functioning in optimal conditions, especially for jaundice or hepatitis patients. It is a fertility booster used to increase sperm quality, is good for lactating mommies and helps to maintain stress hormones, Mughal further added.

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